N64, meet .NET.
.N⁶⁴ is a work-in-progress emulator written in C#, the purpose of which is to personally learn more about the low-level aspects of computing.
This project was started thanks to ferris' amazing series called Ferris Makes Emulators, easing the introduction to emulation development with his thorough approach to the subject.
I strive to make the source code as elegant as I can while keeping an eye on performance.
You can join the Discord64 server to chat with us.
Game code is executed and audio/video interrupts are serviced, which probably cause the OS to save thread states as it switches contexts.
✅ Implement angrylion's RDP core in the short term.
Support expansion devices such as the 64DD.
Please visit https://nabile.duckdns.org/DotN64/docs/ for documentation on this project.