
270 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace DotN64.CPU
public partial class VR4300
public partial class SystemControlUnit
/// <summary>
/// See: datasheet#6.3.5.
/// </summary>
public class StatusRegister : Register
#region Fields
private static readonly BitVector32.Section ie = BitVector32.CreateSection(1),
exl = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, ie),
erl = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, exl),
ksu = BitVector32.CreateSection((1 << 2) - 1, erl),
ux = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, ksu),
sx = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, ux),
kx = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, sx),
im = BitVector32.CreateSection((1 << 8) - 1, kx),
ds = BitVector32.CreateSection((1 << 9) - 1, im),
re = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, ds),
fr = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, re),
rp = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, fr),
cu = BitVector32.CreateSection((1 << 4) - 1, rp);
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// Specifies and indicates global interrupt enable.
/// </summary>
public bool IE
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[ie]);
set => this[ie] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies and indicates exception level.
/// </summary>
public bool EXL
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[exl]);
set => this[exl] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies and indicates error level.
/// </summary>
public bool ERL
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[erl]);
set => this[erl] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies and indicates mode bits.
/// </summary>
public Mode KSU
get => (EXL | ERL) ? Mode.Kernel : (Mode)this[ksu];
set => this[ksu] = (int)value;
/// <summary>
/// Enables 64-bit addressing and operations in User mode.
/// When this bit is set, XTLB miss exception is generated on TLB misses in User mode addresses space.
/// </summary>
public bool UX
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[ux]);
set => this[ux] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Enables 64-bit addressing and operations in Supervisor mode.
/// When this bit is set, XTLB miss exception is generated on TLB misses in Supervisor mode addresses space.
/// </summary>
public bool SX
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[sx]);
set => this[sx] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Enables 64-bit addressing in Kernel mode.
/// When this bit is set, XTLB miss exception is generated on TLB misses in Kernel mode addresses space.
/// </summary>
public bool KX
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[kx]);
set => this[kx] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Interrupt Mask field, enables external, internal, coprocessors or software interrupts.
/// </summary>
public byte IM
get => (byte)this[im];
set => this[im] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Diagnostic Status field.
/// </summary>
public DiagnosticStatus DS
get => (DiagnosticStatus)this[ds];
set => this[ds] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Reverse-Endian bit, enables reverse of system endianness in User mode.
/// </summary>
public bool RE
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[re]);
set => this[re] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Enables additional floating-point registers.
/// </summary>
public bool FR
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[fr]);
set => this[fr] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Enables low-power operation by reducing the internal clock frequency and the system interface clock frequency to one-quarter speed.
/// </summary>
public bool RP
get => Convert.ToBoolean(this[rp]);
set => this[rp] = Convert.ToInt32(value);
/// <summary>
/// Controls the usability of each of the four coprocessor unit numbers.
/// </summary>
public CoprocessorUsabilities CU
get => (CoprocessorUsabilities)this[cu];
set => this[cu] = (int)value;
#region Constructors
public StatusRegister(SystemControlUnit cp0)
: base(cp0, RegisterIndex.Status) { }
#region Structures
public struct DiagnosticStatus
#region Fields
private BitVector32 bits;
private static readonly int de = BitVector32.CreateMask(),
ce = BitVector32.CreateMask(de),
ch = BitVector32.CreateMask(ce),
constant1 = BitVector32.CreateMask(ch),
sr = BitVector32.CreateMask(constant1),
ts = BitVector32.CreateMask(sr),
bev = BitVector32.CreateMask(ts),
constant2 = BitVector32.CreateMask(bev),
its = BitVector32.CreateMask(constant2);
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// These bits are defined to maintain compatibility with the VR4200, and is not used by the hardware of the VR4300.
/// </summary>
public bool DE
get => bits[de];
set => bits[de] = value;
/// <summary>
/// These bits are defined to maintain compatibility with the VR4200, and is not used by the hardware of the VR4300.
/// </summary>
public bool CE
get => bits[ce];
set => bits[ce] = value;
/// <summary>
/// CP0 condition bit.
/// </summary>
public bool CH
get => bits[ch];
set => bits[ch] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates a Soft Reset or NMI has occurred.
/// </summary>
public bool SR
get => bits[sr];
set => bits[sr] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates TLB shutdown has occurred (read-only); used to avoid damage to the TLB if more than one TLB entry matches a single virtual address.
/// </summary>
public bool TS
get => bits[ts];
set => bits[ts] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Controls the location of TLB miss and general purpose exception vectors.
/// </summary>
/// <value>Boostrap if true, otherwise Normal.</value>
public bool BEV
get => bits[bev];
set => bits[bev] = value;
/// <summary>
/// Enables Instruction Trace Support.
/// </summary>
public bool ITS
get => bits[its];
set => bits[its] = value;
#region Operators
public static implicit operator DiagnosticStatus(ushort data) => new DiagnosticStatus { bits = new BitVector32(data) };
public static implicit operator ushort(DiagnosticStatus status) => (ushort)status.bits.Data;
#region Enumerations
public enum Mode : byte
Kernel = 0b00,
Supervisor = 0b01,
User = 0b10
public enum CoprocessorUsabilities : byte
CP0 = 1 << 0,
CP1 = 1 << 1,
CP2 = 1 << 2,
CP3 = 1 << 3