#!/bin/bash # Setup mv gtk.css gtk-main.css if [ "$1" != "DARK" ]; then mv gtk-dark.css gtk-main-dark.css fi # Get processed assets lists ls ./assets | sort > temp_asset_list.txt # Build dynamic gresouce xml spec from css and assets read -d '' RES_PART1 <<"EOF" EOF echo $RES_PART1 > gtk.gresource.xml # Import as nodes the file assets xargs -i echo 'assets/{}' >> gtk.gresource.xml < temp_asset_list.txt rm -f temp_asset_list.txt # Write the css file information to the template if [ "$1" != "DARK" ]; then read -d '' RES_PART2 <<"EOF" gtk-main.css gtk-main-dark.css EOF else read -d '' RES_PART2 <<"EOFDARK" gtk-main.css EOFDARK fi echo $RES_PART2 >> gtk.gresource.xml # Compile the gresource file glib-compile-resources gtk.gresource.xml echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/arc-theme/gtk-main.css");' > gtk.css if [ "$1" != "DARK" ]; then echo '@import url("resource:///org/gnome/arc-theme/gtk-main-dark.css");' > gtk-dark.css fi # Cleanup rm -rf assets rm -f gtk.gresource.xml rm -f gtk-main.css rm -f gtk-main-dark.css rm -f compile-gresources.sh